682 posts 1,874 followers 378 following
Jackson   i like to see people, go places, and do things.

July 8, 2018

so thankful for the opportunity to share memories and good meals with friends and family, both new and old.

104      25

July 8, 2018

sun's out guns out.

152      23

July 7, 2018

turns out "so do you come here often?" only works underwater.

109      10

July 7, 2018

this island's got some big, weird dogs. #exuma #bahamas

86      6

July 6, 2018

always surround yourself with friends who will help you find the filter that makes you look the least sunburnt.

145      24

July 5, 2018

hauling bass (technically snapper and mackerel) #bahamas

122      18

July 5, 2018

we just blue ourselves #bahamas2018

95      12

July 4, 2018

happy birthday, america!

89      4

July 1, 2018

afternoon naps with the wolfman

112      16